Gary from sales is thoroughly enjoying this March as it’s again his time to shine in the office by running the annual bracket pool.

While Gary Marterson, 32, feels like just another unfulfilled cog in the corporate machine for 11 months of the year, in March, he is the man. Every year the spotlight shines bright, and every year he delivers.

His coworkers agreed.

“A remark containing a playful level of cockiness in his team’s chances this year? Check,” a coworker quipped on an email chain with 37 other coworkers. “A friendly jab at the fact that Ryan from HR’s alma mater missed the cut? Check. Long-winded explanation of the point breakdown that no one will read? Check.” 

“Man, this guy delivers.”

Marterson is hoping the goodwill from this bracket pool carries through the summer all the way until fantasy football season.