A mid-level sales associate at a local company almost made it the entire Friday without anyone asking if he had “big plans” this weekend – of which he did not – before he was asked mid afternoon.

Jake Tunnel, 29, was planning to go home and order a pizza and drink beer by himself while watching something on Netflix. He was excited, though surprised, that no one asked what his weekend plans were most of the day, but was also thrown off when someone finally asked later in the afternoon in the break room.

“I thought I was going to make the whole day without anyway prying,” Tunnel told the Hamster over email, his preferred method of communication. “I just kind of stumbled over my answer, like, ‘ya know, just relaxing, getting stuff done are the house, we’ll see.'”

“Thankfully I pivoted into a ‘how about you?’ eventually.”

The Hamster can confirm it is likely he will be asked how his weekend is Monday.