Did you wake up today feeling a little run down and dehydrated with a pounding headache?

You’re not alone. That’s every morning for us. So don’t panic. Here is the definitive guide to knowing if you have the Delta variant, or if it’s just a pesky hangover.

Did you have too many drinks last night? If yes, it’s probably a hangover. If no, it might be the Delta variant.

Did someone egg you on to taking tequila shots? If yes, it’s probably a hangover. If no, it might be the Delta variant.

Are there empty cans of Milwaukee’s Best crushed on your floor and coffee table? If yes, it’s probably a hangover. If no, it might be Delta variant

How much vodka did you have the night before? Was it more than a lot? If yes, it’s probably a hangover. If no, it might be the Delta variant.

Do you have beer shits? If yes, it’s probably a hangover. If no, it might be the Delta variant.

Are you hungover? If yes, it’s probably a hangover. If no, it might be the Delta variant.

Are you running a fever of 104 with a dry cough and loss of appetite? Unclear.

We hope this helps!