Country band ‘Lady Antebellum’ has officially changed its name to the less-offensive ‘Lady Period in the South from the Late 18th Century to the Start of the Civil War’ after realizing the connotations ‘Antebellum’ carried.

“When we set out together almost 14 years ago, we named our band after the southern ‘antebellum’ style home where we took our first photos,” the band said in a statement Thursday. “But we are regretful and embarrassed to say that we did not take into account the associations that weigh down this word referring to the period of history before the civil war, which includes slavery.”

“So we are happy to now be ‘Lady Period in the South from the Late 18th Century to the Start of the Civil War’ to not remind people of that dark Antebellum period.”

The band has been praised for its decision.