By Amelia Hamilton

Welcome to Are We Doomed? The weekly column in which I take a look at recent news and try to determine if it’s all downhill from here.

There’s Always Money in the Banana Casino

Somebody wants to build a new high rise in Vegas shaped like…um, a banana. 

Verdict: While this building design makes me weep for humanity, the replies to that tweet made me feel a little better. We’re probably still doomed, but at least we’ll go down laughing.

Where there’s a will…

As a blind man, father-to-be Nathan Edge didn’t think he’d be able to experience his baby’s ultrasound. After all, there’s no Braille for ultrasounds. Or is there? A local guide dog trainer copied the ultrasound image so create a tactile representation.

Verdict: There are so many ways to help people; ways big and small. This woman going out of her way to help a man “see” his unborn baby shows that we aren’t doomed.  

Pay it Forward

This might be the largest chain ever! 

Verdict: These small things can make someone’s day and they show that we’re not doomed. 

First Lobster!

While fans of Love, Actually might remember that there were a couple of lobsters present at the birth of Jesus, I’m not sure anyone knew that there were robot aliens. Imagine my surprise when The Vatican, of all places, represented the big event as such.

Verdict: Oh, we’re doomed. Merry Christmas anyway!

In the final analysis… Aliens are at the Vatican and a phallic building is making its way to Vegas, but people are helping each other out in ways big and small. I think we’re going to be ok. Just barely.

Want to know if your situation is doomed? Write and tell me about whats going on and Ill let you know what you can do to keep the doom at bay (unless its just totally doomed, in which case Ill tell you that, too). You can tweet me @ameliahammy using #AskAmHam, message me through my Facebook page, or e-mail Let me help!