President Donald Trump is reportedly making the most of his time banned from Twitter, as he has started to study chemistry and master poetry in just the short time he’s been off his phone.

Trump at first didn’t know what to do once he wasn’t able to get on Twitter, but he quickly dove into some textbooks and is said to be becoming wiser and more well-rounded, sources say.

“Look at this, the periodic table,” Trump told advisers late Friday. “It all has all the elements. Hydrogen, lithium, potassium – that’s in bananas. It has all the elements, tremendous elements. Right here. There are hundreds, millions of them. It’s incredible, they don’t tell you about them. This is probably how they got the vaccine. The elements. So many of them, it’s amazing. Just like iambic pentameter. Do you know about limericks? All the different syllables. Almost as many as the elements. It’s really quite incredible, this reading thing. I love books, fantastic books. Science!”

Those close to Trump say this bodes well from him to find a new career after his term ends, with the possibility of him going back to school to get his PhD.