As Democrats continue to try to get high-profile witnesses to testify as part of the probe into Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign’s relationship with Russia, they’re also extracting the testimony of lower-profile witnesses, such as a Volgograd man subpoenaed at random.

Vladimir Chernyshevsky, a 54-year-old fisherman, received a subpoena last week to testify in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee about potential collusion in the 2016 presidential election, something he said he knows little to nothing about.

“I fish, no collude,” Chernyshevsky said. “In Russia, Mueller testify you!”

Sens. Cory Booker and Kamala Harris pressed the perplexed Chernyshevsky on the meaning behind certain lines of the Mueller Report, to which he continued to shrug and look around the room baffled.

On the flip side, Sen. Lindsey Graham chided Democratic senators for putting Chernyshevsky through that ordeal. Graham instead thanked him for being patriotic and a true statesman, to which Chernyshevsky continued to shrug and look around the room baffled.

After the testimony, Sen. Michael Bennett – stating the day showed that the country is truly in a constitutional crisis – said he and his colleagues plan to send out waves of new subpoenas to homes in Russia, and probably some in Alaska just to be safe.