President Donald Trump has told the Walter Reed staff he “just wants to be pure,” though he’s also added he’s totally fine, totally 100 percent fine.

“I just wanna be pure,” Trump was seen muttering while covered in hand sanitizer. “But otherwise I’m fine. Tremendous progress over the last 24 hours. You people have never seen such progress, right? Incredible. Says a lot about my immune system, quite frankly, which doctors have said for a long time was tremendous. I’ll be out of here soon and back on the campaign trail. You know some people are saying I could probably be out now, with my immune system and the vitamins and hand sanitizer and the light and things. People, they don’t want to talk about that, the light. The fake news media just wants panic, panic, panic like Russia, Russia, Russia. But anyway I just want pure, pure, pure. I just wanna be pure.”

It is unclear as of midday Saturday is the president is actually fine or not.