In what’s being called by some fans as a game changing moment, CNN replay officials admit Wednesday morning that they missed a crucial pass interference call in the second half of Tuesday night’s Democratic presidential debate that could have totally changed the outcome of the game.

Mid second half, during a question posed to former Congressman Beto O’Rourke, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren illegally made contact with the receiver and answered the question for herself. O’Rourke was looking for a flag, but the moderators looked at him dismissively. Today, they admit their mistake.

“Thankfully this is just the preseason,” CNN replay officials said in a statement. “But we still need to be better. The correct call should have been 5 additional minutes for O’Rourke and a two question penalty on Warren.”

“We need to officiate this game right for the fans at home.”

Some pundits are also criticizing John Hickenlooper for using his candidate’s challenge too early in the first half, but that storyline has been overshadowed by the officials pass interference miscue.