A now-viral tweet has changed lawmakers, policy makers and business leaders minds across the country, thanks in large part to its use of repetitive clapping emojis.

The tweet – which has 171k retweets and just over 420k likes – vaguely discussed the need for student loan forgiveness, or something, interrupted by clapping emojis in between each word while slowly moving to other topics.

“A ?college ? education ? is ?a ?right” the tweet began, before going off on a bit of a tangent. “And ?also ?hasn’t ?the ?weather ?we’ve? been ? having ? been ? kinda ? shitty? ? I ? mean ? it’s ? spring ?and ? yet ?it’s ?snowing ?a ?bit ?too ?much ?though ?I ?guess ?it ?doesn’t ?matter ?since ? we ? stuck ? inside.”

Lawmakers have immediately looked into both issues.